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BWLF has been dormant since 2018

Belmont Watertown Local First ceased operations in 2018.
This site remains up for historical reference, but is no longer maintained. Thanks for visiting.

Hope Elder Law

Visit our Website

(617) 926-8549
200 Dexter Avenue
Watertown, MA 02472

At Hope Elder Law, our goal is to provide comprehensive legal services in a cost-effective manner, and to offer useful information and referrals to help clients improve the quality of their lives. Many seniors contact us directly for legal guidance, or we can help if you need an attorney for your elder parent or disabled spouse, child, or relative. Our Elder law practice includes: •Estate planning •Medicaid asset protection •Medicaid/MassHealth applications and hearings, as well as assistance with Medicare and other public benefits •Special needs trusts and disability planning.


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Dr. Radut Consulting